8 Reasons to Consider Using an IT Aggregator

8 Reasons to Consider an IT Aggregator

Managing IT services can be a time-consuming business. IT services (including telecom) are a complex conglomerate of numerous carriers, providers, and interconnected technologies. It’s difficult for anything to function properly without the aid of all these moving pieces.

Fortunately, business owners don’t need to battle the management of telecom and/or IT services by themselves. They can turn to an aggregator, a single provider that can offer numerous services and devices across the IT landscape. Think of it as Amazon for IT; instead of setting up accounts and doing business with every single provider you wish to purchase from, you go to one vendor who handles it all. 

In this way, an aggregator can usually offer customers better service and more competitive pricing than individual vendors alone. In fact, here are the top 8 reasons why you should consider using an IT aggregator:

#1 Updated Technology

The IT sector experiences rapid technological advancement. To remain competitive, businesses must keep up with near constant changes across dozens of specialized areas: mobile, network, security, etc.  This is where an aggregator can help. Working with an aggregator means they keep up to date on the latest advances and provide guidance based on your needs. You can keep focusing on what you do best and let the experts help as needed.

#2 Cost Savings

IT costs (including telecom) are often cited as being among the top five operating expenses of a business. By collaborating with an aggregation partner, businesses can often see significant reductions in their monthly expenses.

An evaluation of a company’s inventory and invoices for the telecom and IT services they currently use is the first step in understanding savings potential. The evaluation will assist in locating potential for cost savings, service enhancements, and functionality improvements.

#3 Increased Client Satisfaction

Aggregators become the single point of contact for any vendor they are managing for the client. That means that success can largely be driven by the quality of their customer service. An in-house team of experts familiar with vendor processes and products taking over disputes and troubleshooting issues is one of the biggest benefits an aggregator can offer. You continue to do your work and let the experts solve the problems.

#4 Access to a Variety of Vendors

An aggregator that understands how you use your technology can help you locate the provider that will deliver the best solution for your needs.  They will have instant access to vendor pricing and be able to deliver costs and capabilities across multiple players in any particular space in a quick and painless manner.

#5 Deep Relationships

Because aggregators work with dozens, sometimes hundreds of vendors every day, they have deep, well-established relationships. That can translate as faster, more effective access to support and customer care departments.

Communication is key when working with these well-positioned teams. It makes for smooth implementations and faster resolution should an issue arise.

#6 One Contact

Organizations may have numerous providers, but with an aggregator managing those vendors, the load becomes much lighter. Aggregators operate as the client’s single point of contact for all the services that they resell. That means clients have an easier time getting their questions answered and problems solved.

#7 One Invoice

A key for many clients working with aggregators is the ability to see all their charges from multiple vendors on one consolidated invoice. Not having to decipher, process, approve, and remit payment on multiple invoices can be a considerable timesaver. A good aggregator will go a step further and normalize all the jargon from the vendors (product names, etc) and spell out plainly and clearly what you are being billed for.

#8 A Simpler Experience

When choosing to work with an aggregator, choose one that will grow with your business. They should offer an extensive network of vendors and regularly add new products/services/vendors. Look for an aggregator that provides best-in-class service. And, most importantly, find a solution that simplifies the experience and provides visibility every step of the way.